Web UI

STaaS can be accessed using a Web UI


Artifact signature can be simply executed by following these steps:

  1. Press the Sign button
  2. Select a file to sign and optionally provide a comment

In the background, the sign page calculates the digest of the selected file and submits it for signature. Signed files can be viewed by pressing the Activity button. From there, you can download the signature bundle and you can view information about the generated certificate, as well as, the record stored in the public registry. Signatures can be deleted from STaaS but they are not revoked.


Generated bundles can be verified using the Cosign tool. For this verification you would need STaaS's CA certificate. This can be obtained by clicking here. A signature bundle can be verified using the following command:

cosign verify-blob \
    --certificate-identity=YOUR_STAAS_IDENTITY \
    --certificate-oidc-issuer=https://staas.excid.io \
    --certificate-chain ca.pem \
    --insecure-ignore-sct \
    --bundle signature.bundle \

The --insecure-ignore-sct flag is required since certificated generated using a private instance of Fulcio are not allowed to be recorded in the transparency registry.